In preparation for our quarterly (and hopefully daily as time goes by) Astrological forecast we wanted to give a crash course in planetary meanings for those who are not familiar with the fact that you are more than just your Sun sign. As with many things magic Astrology is just as simple as it is complex in its makeup and deciphering. You are much MUCH more than just your sun sign. In fact, in the past your astrological chart was something therapists would use in order to better assist in helping their patience and you can use the same system to find out more about yourself. Keep in mind however that you are more than the stars you were born under. Your birth chart, astrological sign, and other "classifications" are but a possibility for your future.
The Basic -Leo-
Many of you are already familiar with your Sun sign. It is the Sign associated with your birthday. Think of it as your name tag. Your basic interests, likes and dislikes. It is your Masculine Father planet and it shows how you identify yourself. (I am)

The Inner you -Cancer-
Your moon sign is the inner you. Like the moon it is the part of you that can Shine brightly when illuminated or hide within the shadows of your sun sign. It is your emotional ruler and as the Sun is associated with your father and the masculine, the moon is the ever loving mother. (I feel)

The Symbol of Communication -Gemini/Virgo-
Chances are you've heard of this planet being the blame for many mishaps when it goes Retrograde (Rx) and this is because it rules over your communication , thinking and how you learn. So naturally when its in reverse all of the instincts you've worked so hard to sharpen go right out the metaphorical window. (I think)

Your relationship guardian -Tarus Libra-
How are you in relationships. How do you love. use it to find the best way to express your feelings, find how you attract people, and what you consider beautiful. Not all love is the same. And Judging by the position of the blue gem may be the difference between your feelings being heard and falling on deaf ears. (I love)

Your Passion, Your Fire -Aries-
Mars, the god of war, and passion. How do you get motivated and what do you do it for? This planet shines light on achievements and sexual drive. This planet tells you what to get up for and what to fight for. (I act)

Your Luck and growth -Saggitarius-
Law and Education are the spaces governed by the mega planet Jupiter. It shows where you are lucky and abundant. Where will there be grow, where did all those luck points go when you were born.What are your Ethics and how do you mitigate what is right and Wrong? This planet speaks philosophy and knowledge, what we learn well and where we lack. (I grow)

The planet of Limits -Capricorn-
Limits are placed to be both overcome and used as precautions. This planet helps you chose when to push your boundaries and when you've a lesson to learn from them. It reveals your ambitions and work ethics. In its shadow you can see where you may feel you are falling short. (I achieve)

Freedom to Change -Aquarius-
So just how weird is weird? Uranus tells us about our freedom of expression and rebellion against that which is considered the "norm." How much of you will you allow to shine through the cracks? Intuition and gut feelings are controlled by this planet you are to rebel against the norm. To grow, and to be unique. (I evolve)

The Deeper self and Spirit -Pisces-
Like its sister blue planet Neptune is about the imaginary world. It rules the dream plane and the illusions and addictions of which we are all afflicted. The magic and the illusion and the things we use to reach it, food drugs alcohol and anything else used to escape reality. "I dream"

Your Power -Scorpio-
Empowerment is a tough job for the planet so far from the sun. It is like a battery used to charge different aspects of your life. This planet shows where the bigger changes in life may be and how to gain the power to overcome them. Or perhaps it will show where we are powerless and in that case allow power to be attained through realization. (I empower)