The Basics
Release Key: "
Number: 1
Element: Earth
Zodiac: None
Spirit: A creation, A chance or a material beginning
Mind: Greed / Avarice, something created but unfinished. The Seed of Wealth
Principal: The core of Earth & the realm of the Material
Ruling Circuit: The Seraph of the Crown [Kether]
More information about the Ace of Coins (a.k.a Pentacles)
Meaning: financial reward, clarity of life purpose, goals, potential.
Direction Meaning - Upright: perfect contentment, felicity, ecstasy - also speedy intelligence
Direction Meaning - Reversed: the evil side of wealth, bad intelligence, also great riches.
**NOTE: The suit of Coins (Pentacles) in general is connected to the element of Earth, meaning all of the numbers (including the King, Queen, Knight, and Page) that are under the suit Coins (Pentacles) is related to Earth as well. The general meaning of Coins (Pentacles) is our environments and bodies, the fruits of our labor, as well as the labor itself, and material things. The Positive side of Coins (Pentacles) is that the suit can read for financial security, prosperity, and career opportunities. The Negative side of Coins (Pentacles) is that the suit can also read for financial instability, and greed.